
Discover Which Childcare Course Is for You: Study Childcare in Australia

Discover which childcare course is for you: study childcare in Australia

Looking to kickstart a fulfilling career in childcare? Look no further than our hands-on practical childcare courses!

Simply loving kids isn’t quite enough to begin your journey as an educator. You need the right qualifications under your belt.

When it comes to studying childcare in Australia, picking the right institution is crucial. Equally important is selecting the right childcare course.

In Australia, you have two main options for VET-level childcare courses:

  1. Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  2. Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care

While they both aim to transform you in the best childcare worker possible, the content and focus of both are different – and they can help you fulfil different goals.

So, which childcare course should you do in Australia?

While these childcare courses sound similar, the devil is in the details – while both qualify you to enter the industry, they’re adapted to meet the different career goals of students.

What’s shared between these two childcare courses?

Both of these courses blend classroom teachings with hands-on workshops, allowing you apply theory into practice.

Plus, they both require you to complete mandatory work placements at certified childcare facilities in Brisbane:

  • Certificate III: 160 hours
  • Diploma: 280 hours

Even though the duration of the placement varies, they both provide valuable hands-on essential for thriving in childcare work.

Since much of the job involves practical tasks, it’s crucial that your childcare course equips you for this aspect of the work.

Comparing apples and oranges: what sets these two childcare courses apart?

While there are some things that are the same, these are still two entirely different qualifications, targeted towards different students with different goals.

The Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care is tailored to ready you for the frontline of childcare, with a heavy emphasis on providing you the skills you’ll need as part of your day-to-day work:

  • Administering first aid
  • Nutrition and diet planning
  • Handling emotions and tantrums
  • Developing activities that encourage healthy development

On the other hand, the Diploma in Early Childhood Education covers similar ground while delving into additional areas such as:

  • Creating lesson plans
  • Leading teams
  • Managerial tasks
  • Timetabling and scheduling
  • Policy development

These “higher level” skills make a Diploma better suited for students who are already working in childcare, who want to take their careers to the next level, or people who want to open and manage their own daycare.

In contrast, with its focus on day-to-day childcare, the Certificate III is better suited for students interested in the operational side of things rather than managerial responsibilities.

Which childcare course is right for you?

Begin by considering your career aspirations

It all depends: what do you want from your career?

The answer will depend on whether or not you want to work directly with children in a frontline role or you want to get qualified to transform yourself into managerial roles.

Are you looking to kickstart in the industry? Do you prefer hands-on tasks?

If yes, it sounds like the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care is just what you need.

Conversely, if you’re eyeing a more senior role, the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care might align better with your ambitions.

Consider your career responsibilities

Not everyone has a solid idea of where they want to work. There’s nothing wrong with that – but it does add a layer of complexity to finding the right childcare course for you.

If you’re having a hard time choosing, you can also look at where each of these qualifications can take you. For instance, you might dream of one day opening your own daycare centre.

While it might not immediately impact your current situation, the additional content covered in a Diploma could prove beneficial down the road when you’re ready to venture out on your own.

Think about the duration

When deciding between a Certificate III or Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care comes down to course duration:

  • A Certificate III spans 52 weeks, including 160 hours of practical work placement in a childcare centre
  • Conversely, a Diploma packaged 52 weeks of studying, including 280 hours of practical work placement in a childcare centre

While study is flexible, this is a choice you must make for yourself to ensure that you can meet your obligations and successfully complete your course.

Which childcare course in Australia should you choose?

Ultimately, the final decision is up to you. Hopefully, this article has helped you figure out which one is a better fit for you needs. Studying both is perfectly normal and it’s a common choice from lots of our students.

If you’ve still got more questions, AXIS Institute is here to assist!

Whether you’re a local or international student, our friendly team is here to help you unpack each course and understand which one may be better suited for your needs and career goals.

Our team is committed to making sure that you choose with confidence when you enrol in our childcare courses in Brisbane or Sydney.

This support extends beyond your enrolment too – we will also take care of you while you study with us, offering ongoing guidance and assistance.

Get started today – don’t hesitate to contact us on 07 2102 3553 or fill in the form to find out more about our school and courses.

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